

Alright, you neon-loving daredevils, get ready to dive into the electrifying world of! It’s an online game about the life of snakes (or maybe worms, can’t say for sure) that’s like a turbo-charged mix of and Tron. And it’s the ultimate neon showdown! So, get reborn as a snake on a mission to gobble up as many shiny dots as possible and grow into the biggest, baddest, and most dangerous serpent out there!

How to play

• Collect shiny orbs
• Grow bigger with every piece
• Attack smaller snakes
• Fight for dominance
• Keep up as long as you can!

In, you become one of these mesmerizing neon worms, and your mission is clear: wriggle and slide around that terrarium of a map, munching on those shiny dots and growing larger with every bite. It’s like an all-you-can-eat buffet, but sometimes the food fights back! But here is the kicker – you’re not the only worm on the map. There are others too, and some of them are already huge and menacing. They’ll probably want you for lunch, so you’re gonna need all of your tactical thinking and also a little of your strategic skills if you hope to survive and fare well!

What are orbs in

Now, how do you become the biggest snake on the battlefield? It’s all about those sweet, sweet orbs! You see, you’ll start out small and helpless. Just a tiny baby worm out to get some orbs and grow a little bigger. Slither your way around the map and pick up every single one of those sparkling dots you see. They’re gonna do wonders for your growth – with each piece you pick up, your snake will slightly increase in size. Some orbs are more nutritious, and hunting for them will allow you to grow faster. Eat well, cause you’re gonna need every inch of your snake length! In the world of, the bigger you are, the higher chances you have to survive. And even thrive!

The orbs in the game come in two types:

• Stationary orbs: Kind of lie around waiting for you to pick them up. Depending on the size and color of the orb, their nutritional value ranges from 1 to 20 points.
• Mobile orbs: Those little critters won’t give up without a fight. You’ll have to chase them to swallow them. But they are also worth more – from 50 to 100 points. Talk about superfoods!

How to defeat your opponents?

The map you’re moving around is crawling with other snakes just like you. They’re all here to compete for resources and sort out their food chain business. And it won’t be long until you experience a brutal attack of one particularly hungry snake neighbor of yours. Or maybe you’ll want to plunge right into action early on and pick up a fight rather than just sneak around picking up bits and scraps. Anyways, you need to know how to defeat your wiggly competition.

Make them crash

In, you’ve got to be a sly little worm. To take down your fellow neon competitors, you’ve got to cut them off in the sneakiest ways, making them crash into your side, their own tail, or the arena border. It’s like an intricate dance or like a bird’s-eye view of a sea battle where the ships are trying to outmaneuver and sink each other. And when you do make your opponent rush to the bait, you get to enjoy all the food they’ve been munching on in the Gulper world. There’s a big kaboom, your enemy blows up into pieces, and you’re the one to pick them up. Talk about a tasty victory! Just hurry up until such a lush feast attracts other hungry mouths! You don’t wanna end up battling them too.

Speed up to throw down

Here is another slick move at your disposal. You can boost your speed, for a number of purposes. In, it’s not just about growing big – it’s about doing it fast, while incinerating those calories like crazy in the process. It’s like a neon fitness program for worms. So whenever you need to get to that particularly juicy orb before another worm, you can use acceleration. You can do it to avoid a fight you’re not quite ready for or, on the contrary, rush into one. And you are totally welcome to use the speed-up trick during the battle. Just remember – acceleration comes at a cost, so make sure it’s worth it!

Pit them against each other

And as you get even more confident, you’ll start pitting other snakes against each other. By hanging parallel, but not too close, to a big snake and letting a smaller one squeeze through, you can cut off their path, creating a wall of snake tails. It’s like a strategic blockade, and you’re the master tactician. Plus, you can circle back and collect the remains when the third-party snake is off on their own adventures. It’s like recycling in the snake world!

Special features

• Neon-infused and groovy: More glitter please and let’s disco!
• Minimap: Keep tabs on the food and the other players.
• Worm customization: Change your color with a slider.
• All kinds of skins: Unlock cool neon skins to shine on the battlefield.
• In-game chat: Worms can talk in this game, and they do that a lot! tips and tricks

When you’re a big bad serpent, it’s easy to make your way around the map and look down at everyone else. But what are you gonna do if you’re yet a teeny-tiny snake hurled right into this survival of the fittest? Don’t sweat it, there is such a thing as early-game strategy in! Make sure to follow these five simple rules at the start of the game, and you’re gonna be just fine!

Keep it safe and built it up

So, when you’re just starting out, focus on building up a solid tail by collecting the ground orbs closer to the center. Stay away from the big snakes for now, and build up slowly but surely. Once you’ve got a substantial tail, you can start mingling with other players and making your mark on the snake world. It’s like a snake’s coming-of-age story, and you’re the hero in the making.

Leftovers taste best

Snake clashes happen left and right in this game. Your first instinct as a baby snake is to stay away from them. But believe it or not, that’s a treasure trove of orb calories! When one of the snakes goes down in a battle, the winner doesn’t usually bother to pick up all the orbs left from it. So if you make it to the dead body, still warm, before other worms, you’re in for quite a lunch!

But remember, when a big snake dies, it’s like a feeding frenzy. Everyone in the vicinity rushes to collect from the same source. It’s a snake-eat-snake world, and you’ve got to dip, dive, and dodge your way to the delicious rewards. Don’t become next!

Your trusty sn(e)aky maneuver

When you’re in the thick of things, always slither in, not out. It’s like the chicken dance, but with more scales. You’ve got to stay alive, and the best way to avoid running into aggressive snakes is to coil back and slither along your own tail. It’s like a snake safety bubble, and as long as you’re not trapped in a ring, you can easily double back and escape danger. And as more snakes bite the dust in the arena, your ranking climbs higher through the process of elimination. It’s like a snake survival game, and you’re the cunning survivor.

Learn to read your enemies

Remember, in, you need an exit strategy, no matter what. You’ve got to know who’s in the game, who’s backing off, who’s playing defense, and who’s going all-in to take out the competition. It might sound like a lot to process in the blink of an eye, but with practice, you’ll learn to read the subtle signs that players give off. For example, when a snake starts turning inward, you can tell they’re playing defensively. It’s like they’re snacking on orbs and doubling back to watch the battlefield. And when you spot another snake making a speedy beeline for your energy trail, you know they mean business. It’s like a game of snake poker, and you’re learning to read your opponents’ “poker faces.”

Time your moves just right

When it comes to making your move, remember that longevity is key. You can avoid the chaos in the center and focus on collecting energy on the outskirts to climb the leaderboard gradually. But to break into the top ranks, you’ve got to take out other snakes once you’re big enough. Keep an eye out for fast, reckless players coming your way, and when you see them, move in quickly and at a sharp angle to take them by surprise. It’s like a snake ambush, and you’re the master of the sneak attack.

Slither your way to glory!

So, are you ready to become the most electrifying worm in With its hip visuals, addicting gameplay, and competitive edge, you’re surely in for hours of non-stop gameplay. It’s a neon-drenched battle arena where only the slickest and sneakiest worms survive. Slither, munch, and conquer!

Comments (3)
  1. GottaCatch:

    Bigger is better in – nom nom nom! 🍔🐍

  2. vavvv: is the best game for snack-sized fun! 🎮🤩

  3. onta:

    Chomping up my way to the top in! 🐍🍴

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